Impact In Your Next Normal
We are all still being propelled to a global common place – how will I operate and contribute in the next normal? The concept of ‘new normal’ is fading, as we have passed that mark somewhere in 2020.

Building Empathy At Work
Research shows that empathy for others brings positive effects for you as well. It helps to reduce your own stress. It helps you get out of your self and make room for the needs and concerns of others. It helps to calms the nervous system and reduces the stress response, and it can reduce the risk of burnout. So how do you build empathy?

Handling Emotional Reactions
Are you someone who ever gets emotionally triggered or reactive when things don’t go your way and you then do or say something you later regret?

Handling Difficult People
I looked at some of the considered wisdom on the subject, some of the better advice I saw was over here on Forbes. I am sure some of it can be useful. The problem is that a lot of the advice is all about the other person: how you can protect yourself from these difficult people, and avoid them, and therefore continue to judge them. Ultimately that doesn’t solve very much.

Self Compassion – Be kind to yourself
Self-compassion doesn’t try to change anything, but it aims to support you through difficult times, simply because they are difficult. As if by magic, taking care of yourself in this way, leads to positive change all by itself…

What is Coaching? A coach’s Perspective
For coaching to work effectively it requires that the coach demonstrates qualities of unconditional positive regard, empathy, and authenticity. The coach needs to use accurate observation and listening, in order to give useful feedback and ask appropriate questions. This process helps the client to focus on the positive, which can bring new awareness, and result in more clarity and choice. The process brings objectivity on the situation and accountability on moving forwards.

How To Keep Going When All You Want Is To Stop
Resilience and self-confidence can both be learned and practiced. But not all sources of resilience or self-confidence are equal. To flex and flow with life’s greatest challenges we need to anchor our confidence in a deeper sense of self.

Are You Spiritual Enough For Leadership?
Leaders are increasingly required to exhibit a broad range of intelligences in order to negotiate the challenges of 21st century organizations. However, the increasing complexity of modern life means they need to draw on a deeper form of knowing in order to lead with impact. This week in Learn we examine Spiritual Intelligence and its role in developing leaders of the future.

Mastering The Chemicals That Drive Your Behavior
Our actions are not random, they are guided by a broad variety of physical, mental and emotional factors. Underlying all of these is a constantly-changing mix of chemicals that shape how we see the world. In this week’s Learn article we look at the eight most important chemicals and what to do with them.

Start 2020 By Finding A Job You’ll Love
A new year is full of new opportunities, and that’s nowhere truer than in your career. However, stepping into the potential of finding your dream job takes more than just intent. In this week’s Learn installment, Bevan Rees explores 5 ways to approach your dream job in 2020.

5 Steps To Surviving A Toxic Work Culture
Toxic work cultures do not just make work unpleasant, they can have detrimental effects on your personal health and wellbeing. Though this sometimes feels outside our personal control, there is still plenty the individual can do in managing their career under such circumstances. We uncover 5 steps to do just that.

The Problem With ‘Fake It Till You Make It’
‘Fake it till you make it’ has become a popular approach to self-development and greater confidence. But it needs to be dealt with very carefully when building a career. In this week’s Learn post Bevan Rees considers the good and bad sides of FITYMI, and what not to do when applying for a new job.

The King, The Jester and The Leader’s Dance With Power
Leadership and power are not synonymous, but they often correspond. Many business and organizational structures, especially hierarchical ones, pool power around key positions of leadership. Avoiding the corruption of this responsibility requires active engagement. Here are three things leaders can do to prevent themselves from becoming self-oriented versus other-oriented.

Filling The Well – 6 Ways To Keep Your Creativity Alive
Under the pressure of modern life, it is common to neglect self-care. One of the often-overlooked consequences of stress is a decline in creativity. This does not only have a negative impact on our ability to create, it directly affects our happiness.

Which Of These Is Your Problem-solving Style?
The complexity and scale of problems that we face as individuals, teams, organizations, societies and as a species are only increasing. It’s no surprise then that, according to the World Economic Forum’s latest Future of Jobs Report, the most important skills in the workplace today are analytical thinking and innovation, and complex problem solving.

4 Acronyms To Make You Happier, Healthier & More Resilient
Well, nothing beats a coach or mentor to keep you on track with a practice, but as much as I hate to admit the fact, acronyms are also excellent tools for building new habits. I’m not talking about setting SMART goals, I mean habits that help bring awareness to the present moment and give you access to self-regulation, self-authoring, self-mastery.

These 5 Metacognitive Strategies Can Accelerate Your Self-development
With an elevated metacognitive perspective learning and living become more meaningful and productive. It takes practice. Sometimes it takes help. But it always adds value.

You, U and the Inverted-U: Finding Your Balance Between Presence & Performance
For many living through these increasingly complex and volatile times, delivering results at work often comes at the expense of personal wellbeing. In our article this week we examine two approaches to personal development that promise help in balancing presence and performance.

Your 5 Weeks Career Discovery Guide
CONGRATULATIONS!!! on your decision to do something different with your life! It takes courage and strength to take this step, well done! A fulfilled career builds on what is at the core of yourself. so this guide will focus a lot on Looking at who you are at the core...

Why You Owe It To Yourself To Be Yourself
When a person does not feel it is safe to authentically express themselves, the psychological impact is negative. And the cumulative pressure of an ongoing requirement to act happy often leads to unexpected and unhealthy outbursts of emotion, sometimes in totally unrelated situations.

Four Things Leaders Can Do To Create Psychological Safety In Their Organization
There are political, economic and social shifts which leaders can keep an eye on. There are movements within industries. There are changes within the organization itself. All of these factors can create anxiety and uncertainty within the team.

How To Deal With Failure
Failure can be a great teacher, but only if you process it. Here are seven steps for dealing with failure and moving on in a productive way.

Feeling Stuck in Your Career? Perhaps You Need a Side Hustle
Perhaps it is time to consider a side hustle. This is widely thought of as ‘something millennials do’, but I’ve never been a fan of generational typing. Anyone can benefit from a side hustle and the many advantages it offers. But such a commitment also comes with often-unseen risks.

The Sage, the Trickster and You – the Power of Jungian Archetypes
Any person beginning a coaching journey is in search of change, and great change doesn’t come without new insight. But there are different levels of insight. In this week’s Learn article we examine Jung’s archetypes and the powerful unconscious influence they exert of our lives.

Breathing for Success: 7 Practices for Everything from Fear to Transcendence
We seldom think about our breathing. This is principally because we don’t need to. Along with heartbeats, digestion, blinking and a miscellany of other useful autopilot functions, breathing is controlled by our autonomic nervous system. It just happens; that’s why babies can do it. Why is it, though, that babies do it better than most adults? What do I even mean by better?

What is Your Native Perspective?
Impactful coaching always requires increased awareness. Some coaching methods rely almost entirely on developing insight and understanding as the vehicle for transformation. Others focus on action and behavior as the primary tools for change. Regardless of the approach, though, all methods rely on the coach and client working together to reveal a new understanding of the client’s reality.

How To Stay Creative Even When You’re Not Feeling It
Postmodern life being what it is we all know that experience of needing to be creative, but just not feeling it. It might be fatigue or mental overload, but we just can’t seem to access what we need to call in the new. This is not a hopeless situation, though. There are ways to shift the tide in your favour

Dancing With Anxiety: How To Stay On Course When The Fear Comes
Mild and occasional anxiety is a normal part of life; chronic or acute anxiety are extreme manifestations of this state and can severely limit our ability to attain, or even envision, our goals. Yet, this is not a war. As with all forces, the harder you push against anxiety the harder it pushes back.

Slaying the Dragon: Facing Resistance Like a Pro
Pressfield’s rule of thumb is, ‘The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we feel towards pursuing it.’ So how do we overcome Resistance and achieve what we were put on this Earth to do?

One question and one answer critical to success
It’s no revelation that the pressures and expectations of 21st Century life are growing increasingly difficult to manage. The competition for our attention is overwhelming at times, and poor management of mental, emotional and physical resources can sabotage attempts to achieve the success we deserve.

Beginning the Year With Purpose – Finding Your Ikigai
Finding one’s ikigai is not a single event; it is a lifelong process that honors the shifts in your values and worldview as you change and evolve. But beginning the new year with a strong sense of your purpose on this earth could turn out to be one of the best investments of your time this year.
This practice will ask 60-90 minutes of your time and has two parts.

Ending The Year In Presence: A Reflection Practice
It’s the 21st of December and, in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice. Eight miles from where I’m writing this, Stonehenge stands as a symbolic monument to this day and the transition from darkness to light which it represents. After today nights get shorter...

Feel stuck, but not sure what to do about it? A coach might be able to help you, but what type of coach should you look for? koach.net’s FIT FOR PURPOSE blog series explores the main types of coaching out there to help you choose the best coach for your needs.

FIT FOR PURPOSE: The Health Coach
Subscribe to our podcast and get our articles using your favorite podcast player iTunes l Spotify l TuneIn l Stitcher l Podcast PageFeel stuck, but not sure what to do about it? A coach might be able to help you, but what type of coach should you look for? koach.net’s...

FIT FOR PURPOSE: The Leadership Coach
Feel stuck, but not sure what to do about it? A coach might be able to help you, but what type of coach should you look for? koach.net’s FIT FOR PURPOSE blog series explores the main types of coaching out there to help you choose the best coach for your needs.

FIT FOR PURPOSE: The Career Coach
Feel stuck, but not sure what to do about it? A coach might be able to help you, but what type of coach should you look for? koach.net’s FIT FOR PURPOSE blog series explores the main types of coaching out there to help you choose the best coach for your needs.

Feel stuck, but not sure what to do about it? A coach might be able to help you, but what type of coach should you look for? koach.net’s FIT FOR PURPOSE blog series explores the main types of coaching out there to help you choose the best coach for your needs.

Presence – the greatest gift a coach can give you
Presence is not something you think about, it’s something you manifest. At its deepest and most authentic it can only happen when you are right here in this moment, not thinking about the past or future. In a coaching conversation this is critical.

How to stay focused on what’s most important
The 21st century human is subject to unprecedented amounts of daily distraction. Managing this distraction requires conscious effort and focus – a critical part of improving productivity. By when I speak of focusing on what’s most important, I don’t only mean in the moment. I mean long term focus, the kind that keeps you committed to the most important goals in your life. Here are 5 tips on how to do that:

Does internet coaching really work?
In my reflection I have been reminded that, as with coaching itself, the value of internet coaching varies from person to person. Having said that, there are some fairly universal pros and cons to moving your coaching online.

Confidence – Stop Looking and Start Acting
Confidence isn’t something that you suddenly feel, it accumulates over time with practice – constantly being maintained, stretched and repeated (but it gets a lot easier the more you practice). Some days you might fail. That’s ok, it’s all part of the process of learning. The good news is that each new day is a fresh start.

What is health coaching and why does it matter?
To be well an individual needs to take responsibility for his wellness. One of the side effects of an over-medicated culture is that people cede responsibility for their health to their doctor or pharmacists. Empowerment is key, which is why a health coach is a facilitator, not a doctor. In an age when ‘healthcare’ is more often called ‘sickcare’, when societies are increasingly fragmented and atomised, the value of being seen as a complete human who can be supported in their growth towards success is immense. The reward is not simply better health, it is fuller being.

The 11 Cognitive Biases Your Career Coach Wants You To See
No matter how self aware you may be, it is almost impossible to avoid unconscious cognitive bias. These assumptions are key to your brain’s ability to engage with large volumes of information, but many are incorrect, sometimes even dangerous. In this week’s Learn post, Bevan Rees examines these biases, their risks and their benefits

Why do you work?
For most of us, work takes up a significant part of our lives, exceeded only by sleep. So, why do you do what you do? Apart from the money, what do you get from your job? In this week’s Learn post, Bevan Rees argues that it’s not a luxury to enjoy the work that we do, it’s a necessity, and we should be trying everything we can to tap into work that feeds our passion and values.

Is your mindset holding you back from change?
The brain is elastic, and almost every person has the capacity to change the way their brain works. This can be through the establishment of simple habits, or guidance by a coach, but the potential remains the same: change your mind and you can change your world.

Trust: the key that unlocks coaching gold
In its genuine form love is a far more constant feeling than trust, even to the point of being unconditional. But trust is highly conditional and can be destroyed with one dishonorable act. Earning it, and maintaining it, requires intentional and conscious behaviour directed by a clear moral compass. It relies on openness, commitment and authenticity. And it’s in crisis.

The happiness factor
Rather than a goal, happiness is a state – a composite of psychological, neurological, physiological and even spiritual elements, the blend of which varies from person to person and time to time.

Transforming Culture Through Group Coaching: The Power of We
In their groundbreaking work on organizational culture, Boris Groysberg, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price, and J. Yo-Jud Cheng emphasize the importance of understanding and harnessing the power of culture. And, despite the fact that many leaders feel confounded by it, culture can, in fact, be managed and directed.

3 empathy blocks that might hurt your coaching results
Absence of these three qualities can impact your coaching relationship, which relies on high levels of empathy for success. This empathy, however, is not a one-way feed. Though in most topics it is critical that your coach is able to offer a strong empathetic space, the coaching container will ultimately benefit if the client is able to do the same.

Is mindfulness just another (expensive) corporate fad?
Because mindfulness does not sit purely in the realm of objective scientific analysis. It plays in the realm of ultimate subjectivity – an internal experience that is utterly unique to every human being.