• Lebensberatung/Lebensziele setzen und erreichen
  • Volles Potenzial erreichen
  • Gewohnheiten ändern
  • Stress und Burn-Out
  • Führungskräfte-Coaching
  • Talente & volles Potenzial ausschöpfen
  • Neue/r Manager/in
  • Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
  • Achtsamkeit, Meditation und Yoga
  • Karriere-Management
  • Team-Coaching
Stelle eine Frage


Alle wichtigen sicheren Kreditkarten werden akzeptiert. Du wirst nicht belastet, wenn der Coach die Buchung nicht bestätigt. Der Betrag wird erst dann vollständig an den Coach überwiesen, wenn alle Sitzungen erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden. Deine Zahlungsdaten werden niemals auf unserer Plattform gespeichert.


Details der Coaching-Fachgebiete

Bitte schreibe ein paar Sätze über deine Besonderheiten


Trial Coaching Session - Für Einzelpersonen, Führungskräfte-Coaching

1 session, 1h 00

Experience a coaching session with me to feel the benefits of the coaching

Experience a coaching session with me to feel the benefits of the coaching

Wellness - Lead a balanced life - Volles Potenzial erreichen, Gewohnheiten ändern, Beziehungen und Partnersuche, Stress und Burn-Out, Gesundheit, Fitness und Ernährung

8 sessions, 1h 15 each

Take control of your life to deal with stress from professional or personal life. Explore wellness and align the areas of your life to achieve and lead a balanced life

The package will have7-8 sessions of 75 mins each and 3-4 accountability calls of 20 mins each. There will also be questionnaires and assessments. There will be email support between the sessions.

Take control of your life to deal with stress from professional or personal life. Explore wellness and align the areas of your life to achieve and lead a balanced life

The package will have7-8 sessions of 75 mins each and 3-4 accountability calls of 20 mins each. There will also be questionnaires and assessments. There will be email support between the sessions.

Live up to your full potential - Für Einzelpersonen, Führungskräfte-Coaching

10 sessions, 1h 15 each

Self-awareness journey to positively influence personal and professional goals. Set a vision, align with your purpose, identify your strengths and overcome challenges to reach your full potential.

The package will have 9-10 sessions of 75 mins each and 4 accountability calls of 20 mins each. There will also be questionnaires and assessments. There will be email support between the sessions.

Self-awareness journey to positively influence personal and professional goals. Set a vision, align with your purpose, identify your strengths and overcome challenges to reach your full potential.

The package will have 9-10 sessions of 75 mins each and 4 accountability calls of 20 mins each. There will also be questionnaires and assessments. There will be email support between the sessions.

Team Coaching - Team-Coaching

12 sessions, 1h 30 each

Team Coaching to help teams improve performance, stakeholder collaboration , psychological safety, distributed leadership and become a learning team
8-12 sessions of 90 mins. There will be interviews and some Team workshops, two to four 1-1 sessions can be on-demand.

Team Coaching to help teams improve performance, stakeholder collaboration , psychological safety, distributed leadership and become a learning team
8-12 sessions of 90 mins. There will be interviews and some Team workshops, two to four 1-1 sessions can be on-demand.


Virtuelle Sessions:
  • Zoom

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Über mich

Über mich

Bitte schreibe ein paar Sätze darüber, wer du bist

Coaching-Methode / Herangehensweise

Bitte schreiben Sie ein paar Sätze über Ihre Coaching-Methode

Notizen / Bemerkungen



Qualification name / Title
  • Institut / Zertifizierungsstelle: Certifying Body
  • Datum akquirieren: 14. Februar 2020
  • Institut / Zertifizierungsstelle:
  • Datum akquirieren: 30. Oktober 2019

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